The relationship between channel width changes with confinement index and flood power of an extreme flood (Case study: Ilam Dam)

Document Type : Case Study


1 PhD Student, Faculty of Geography, University of Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center, AREEO, Zanjan, Iran

3 Professor, Faculty of Geography, University of Tehran, Iran

4 Associate Professor, Faculty of Geography, University of Tehran, Iran


Extreme floods are able to execute river geomorphological variations with a wide and substantial geological changes. Former studies of extreme floods have reported a reach of geomorphic replies from negligible change to catastrophic channel change. This article provides an evaluation of the geomorphic effects of a scarce, great value event that occurred in the Ilam Dam upstearim, on 29 October 2015. Variations in geomorphic replies among reaches are examined in the context of changes in flood power, channel competence and lateral confinement index by the use of field survey and Satellite Images (IRS). In this research which is focused on the plan of spatial units, channel width variations and calculation of peak discharges were used to estimate cross-sectional stream power and unit stream power. The analysis was performed for the widening (width ratio) at reach scale. The total data set includes 38 reaches. Because of the 2015 flood, the largest value of widening was 29 m (Reach 13) and it demonstrated a 100% change in the channel width. Flood power peak was calculated 10631 W m−2 along the rather confined reaches (Reach 31) and was much lower along the unconfined reaches. The tendency of high stream power values, and resultant high erosion rates, within the confined and partly confined reaches is a subordinate of the higher energy slope of the steeper.


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