Investigating the methods of increasing the resistance of loess soils to prevent their settlement by using biological and mineral amendments

Document Type : Original Article


1 Grad. Student, Department of Soil Science, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Gorgan, Iran,

2 Prof., Department of Soil Science, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Gorgan, Iran,

3 Assoc. Prof, Department of Soil Science, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Gorgan, Iran,

4 Grad Students, Department of Soil Science, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Gorgan, Iran,

5 Senior Expert, National Iranian Gas Company (Golestan Province), Iran


Loess is a sedimentary deposit composed largely of silt-size grains that are loosely cemented by different materials. . Therefore, this study was conducted with the purpose of applying  bentonite, lime, cyanobacteria, zeolite and red clay in stabilization of loess soils. These treatments were mixed in a laboratory flume with dimensions of 300 x 75 x 75 cm and were exposed to the runoff by mixing specific percentages (10% bentonite, 10% lime, 10% zeolite, 100gr per square meter cyanobacteria) with the regional soil. To investigate the erosion reduction treatments, the mean weight diameter (MWD), geometric mean diameter of soil (GMD) and the sediment content of erosion were used. The results showed that lime treatment had the greatest effect on two parameters of soil include MWD and GMD compared to other treatments. Also, the cyanobacteria and red clay had no significant effect on the soil MWD compared to control treatment. Therefore, lime treatment with three times increase, had the greatest effect on soil MWD. After that, bentonite and zeolite increased the mean weight diameter of soil by 2.1 and 1.5 times, respectively, compared to the control treatment. Lime found to increase the consistency and stability of the soil, while I being  cheap and easily available and can be used on a large scale. Therefore, lime was introduced as the most effective treatment that can create a good connection between this sensitive soil particles and decrease considerably soil erosion as well as dust with their fixation that is an important challenge in the study area.


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