Study on the impact of biological crusts on soil micromorphological properties in the Incheh Borun region, Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student, Department of Soil Science, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Gorgan, Iran

2 Professor, Department of Soil Science, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Gorgan, Iran


Biological soil crusts play a vital role in soil characteristics. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate the influences of biological soil crusts on micro-morphological characteristics of soils in the Incheh Borun region of Golestan in Northern province,  Iran. The soil of this area is classified as Calcisol. The study area included by three plots (25m x 25m bio-shells), as well as a plot (25m x 25m) for indentyfing physical crusts and also intact samples were taken from each plot using the Kubina boxes. Then, the micromorphological characteristics of soil under their surface (with depths 0-2cm) were analyzed. The microstructure of the soil under the cyanobacteria, lichen and moss was better than the physical crust. This was due to the low content of organic matter and low biological activity in the physical crust. Also, soil porosity under the moss and lichen crusts were channel and in cyanobacteria and physical crusts were chamber. There were animal and root residues and also Mollusca shells in the soil under the biological soil crusts, which indicates the presence of biological activity in these shells. Nodules of calcium carbonate in biocrusts were more than the physical crusts which indicates good structure and porosity of soils under the biological soil crusts in contrast to physical ones to increase the soil penetration and formation of these features over the time. Therefore, the presence of biocrusts (moss crusts) with increasing soil porosity and providing suitable environmental for biological activity according to the pedo-feature of animal residues and plant roots inside their holes can help to improve soil characteristics.


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